Seminary Participation in the First Northern California Koha Summit

The Very Reverend Archimandrite Father Gregory and Schemamonk Father Vlasie, participated in the First Annual Northern California Koha Summit on April 5, 2017.

From left to right, Father Photii, Father Gregory, Father Chrysostomos, Father Patapios, Bishop Auxentios, Mother Seraphima, Mother Synkletike, and Mother Eupraxia.

Two Teaching Assistants at the Saint Photios Orthodox Theological Seminary, the Very Reverend Archimandrite Father Gregory and Schemamonk Father Vlasie, participated in the First Annual Northern California Koha Summit at the Martha Riley Community Library in Roseville, California, on April 5, 2017. The day-long seminar centered on Koha, an integrated library system used by public, academic, and special collections libraries to manage their resources and serve their students and users. The Seminary is presently cataloguing its holdings, which consist of over twenty thousand volumes and periodicals, in the Koha integrated library system. The two attendees represented the Seminary Library Director, the Very Reverend Archimandrite Father Dr. Patapios, at the summit.
