Highlights from The Seminary Conference 2024
Bridging “The World Beyond” to a Theological Seminary Setting for Attendees

The Fourth Annual Seminary Conference, which took place at Saint Photios Orthodox Theological Seminary in Etna, California, from February 17 through February 20, 2024 hosted guests from Maryland, Virginia, Massachusetts, and Southern California attended the Seminary Conference in Etna, California, with talks and activities based around the theme “The World Beyond.”

On Friday, February 16, the day before the conference officially began, a Memorial Service (Μνημόσυνον) was celebrated for the ever-memorable Metropolitan Chrysostomos of Etna, who reposed in 2019. Metropolitan Chrysostomos is well-remembered for being the principal founder of the Saint Gregory Palamas Monastery and the Saint Photios Orthodox Theological Seminary. Visitors who arrived early for the conference and members of the local Orthodox Christian community were in attendance. A light repast of tea and biscotti was served after the Memorial Service. Eternal be Metropolitan Chrysostomos’ memory!

Saturday, February 17, was the first official day of the conference. The Divine Liturgy was served at both local monastic communities, the Saint Gregory Palamas Monastery and the Convent of Saint Elizabeth the Grand Duchess of Russia, which were followed by tours of these monastic communities. His Eminence, Bishop Auxentios of Etna and Portland, the Rector of the Seminary, then gave an opening address, followed by a delicious brunch at the Seminary.
For the main event of the day, Dr. Demetrios Alibertis, an Adjunct Professor at the Seminary, gave a lecture entitled, “Visions of the Unseen World.” Dr. Alibertis’s lecture discussed how the Angelic world, that world which we cannot see with our physical eyes, is a world we know only because of the visions bestowed upon the Holy Prophets by the Grace of God. It was an illuminating lecture enjoyed by all attending.

The next day, after the Divine Liturgy was served at Saints Cyprian and Justina Orthodox Church, the guests attended an Agape Meal, which was followed by a sermon and a question-and-answer session by His Eminence, Metropolitan Demetrius of America, the Representative of the Eparchial Synod at the Seminary, who participated virtually via teleconference from New York.
Archimandrite Gregory Hagiogrēgoritēs, the Director of Spiritual Life at the Seminary, gave a lecture entitled “Bridging Heaven and Earth,” which focused on the different pathways we take to reach the Kingdom of God.

That evening, a Vigil was served at the Saint Gregory Palamas Monastery and the Divine Liturgy for the Feast Day of Saint Photios the Great followed the next morning. Afterward, guests gathered at the Seminary for a beautiful festal banquet, during which Bishop Auxentios answered questions about the Seminary.

Afterwards, guests were then given the option to either go sledding near the summit of Etna Mountain or to participate in a prayer rope-making workshop hosted by the nuns from the Convent. Following these activities, Archimandrite Patrick Hagiosinaïtēs, a Visiting Instructor at the Seminary, gave a virtual lecture entitled “Iconography: A Window to Heaven.” Dinner for the Conference guests was hosted at Saint Bridget’s Student House.

The next day, the guests were given an opportunity to experience “a day in the life of a Seminary student” which began with Morning Prayers, followed by breakfast, and the first class of the day. Guests could audit classes, including Comparative Theology and Religion, Church History I, and Pastoral Psychology.

That night, guests gathered at Saint Melanie’s Student House, where Archimandrite Glykerios Hagiokyprianitēs, a Visiting Lecturer at the Seminary, gave a talk about the history of his monastery, the Holy Monastery of Saints Cyprian and Justina, located in Phyle, Attica, Greece, and some of the miracles that have occurred there over the years.
For the final morning of the conference, everyone gathered at the Seminary Chapel for Morning Prayers one last time, and the conference ended with a farewell breakfast.

The conference was deemed a success by all who participated! Support from our faithful donors has made it possible for the Seminary to host events like the Annual Seminary Conference. We look forward to hosting the Fifth Annual Seminary Conference and, of course, your continued support. A most sincere thank you from the students and faculty of the Seminary!