
Application materials for admission to the Seminary may be downloaded here or obtained by mail from the Office of the Registrar:

    Gabrielle Asgarian
    Saint Photios Orthodox Theological Seminary
    Post Office Box 797
    Etna, California 96027‒0797
    (530) 435‒5451

Application Form for US-based students
Application Form for international students
Application Form for non-degree students

Applications must include the following:

  1. Completed Application Form
  2. Check or money order made payable to “Saint Photios Orthodox Theological Seminary” in the amount listed on the Application Form (nonrefundable application fee)
  3. Copy of Real ID, Birth Certificate or Passport
  4. Copy of Baptismal, Marriage & Ordination Certificates (if applicable)
  5. A recent photograph of the applicant
  6. Copy of valid passport (international students only)
  7. Evidence of proficiency in English language (recommended: TOEFL iBT Score Report) (international students only)
  8. High School Diploma or Certificate of Completion
  9. Official Transcripts and/or Certificates from all high school and higher learning institutions attended
  10. Three Letters of Recommendation:
    (a) from one’s Parish Priest or Spiritual Father (character reference);
    (b) from an academic advisor, professor, or instructor (academic evaluation);
    (c) from an employer or colleague (professionalism reference).
  11. Autobiography of at least 1000 words, including the reasons why the applicant desires to study at the Seminary. The autobiography serves as a writing sample for the Seminary’s assessment of the student’s composition skills. Please contact the registrar if you would like to request a grading rubric.
  12. Proof of medical insurance coverage valid in the United States. Nota Bene: All students must purchase their own health insurance and are responsible for any medical expenses they may incur during their studies. Before arrival, students will be asked to speak with the Seminary’s Medical Advisor in order to determine whether they have any particular health issues that might affect their studies.

Once the Seminary has received the application and the requested supporting materials specified above, a letter of acknowledgment will be sent to the applicant, along with a request that the applicant schedule an interview with the Seminary administration and faculty at his or her earliest convenience, either in person or by teleconferencing (e.g., via FaceTime or Zoom).

Applications are accepted on an ongoing basis. Applications received after April 15 for international applicants, or after May 15 for U.S. Citizens, of the year in which the student plans to enroll may be deferred until the following academic year.
